FLOAT.F5906221.WMO = '5906221'; FLOAT.F5906221.OperatorFLID = '18796'; FLOAT.F5906221.Operators = 'UW'; FLOAT.F5906221.OperatorMetaln = '8365_18796.meta'; FLOAT.F5906221.status = {'blad
210126','1'}; FLOAT.F5906221.launchDATE = '20200215'; FLOAT.F5906221.launchTIME = '0644'; FLOAT.F5906221.launchLAT = '-46.0067'; FLOAT.F5906221.launchLON = '85.6200'; FLOAT.F5906221.Ftype = 'Apex'; FLOAT.F5906221.sensors = 'IONp'; FLOAT.F5906221.sensor_pressure = {'DRUCK','2900_PSIA','10978865'}; FLOAT.F5906221.sensor_temperature = {'SBE','SBECP41','11433'}; FLOAT.F5906221.sensor_conductivity = {'SBE','SBECP41','11433'}; FLOAT.F5906221.sensor_oxygen = {'Aanderaa','4330','3081'}; FLOAT.F5906221.sensor_nitrate = {'MBARI','ISUS','0839'}; FLOAT.F5906221.sensor_pH = {'MBARI','DURA','0839'}; FLOAT.F5906221.sensor_fluorometer = {'-999','-999','-999'}; % NO FLBB 2020-02-18 FLOAT.F5906221.sensor_fluoroCHLA = {'-999','-999','-999'}; FLOAT.F5906221.sensor_fluoroBBP700 = {'-999','-999','-999'}; FLOAT.F5906221.sensor_cdom = {'-999','-999','-999'}; FLOAT.F5906221.ship = 'Investigator'; FLOAT.F5906221.CRID = 'Kerguelen'; FLOAT.F5906221.EXPOCODE = '096U20200110'; FLOAT.F5906221.ctdFNAME = '-'; FLOAT.F5906221.botFNAME = '-'; FLOAT.F5906221.STNNBR = '-'; % no CTDs on this cruise FLOAT.F5906221.CASTNO = '-'; % no CTD's on this cruise FLOAT.F5906221.ctdDATE = '-'; FLOAT.F5906221.ctdTIME = '-'; FLOAT.F5906221.ctdLAT = '-'; FLOAT.F5906221.ctdLON = '-'; FLOAT.F5906221.NOTES = {'2020-02-17:comms: There is some issue with handshaking between the float and the nitrate and pH sensors. That’s generating the gaps in the profiles. The comms issue is definitely internal to the float. After that, not sure whats up. Could be a bad connection somewhere that may or may not resolve itself.',... '2020-10-20:pH:gaps in pH record due to a communication issue with the MSC controller. With limited data at depth the sensor becomes difficult to QC/adjust.',... '2021-01-26:bladder:SN indicates it may have a bladder issue'}; FLOAT.F5906221.Adopt = {'Robert Down Elementary School','Pacific Grove','CA','Ollie Otter' ,'http://www.go-bgc.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Ollie_Otter.html'}; %% must have two percent signs on this line. Can put comment after FLOAT.F5906221.CCHDOln = '-'; % 'NA_No_Ship_data_for_Cruise.html'; % no shipboard data for this cruise. FLOAT.F5906221.EuroArgoln = 'http://fleetmonitoring.euro-argo.eu/float/5906221';